Why aren't families getting their Enrollment Packet through ELV Alliance Core after enrolling through Kinside?

Troubleshooting your Kinside x ELV Alliance Core connection

Kinside partners with ELV Alliance Core to facilitate a seamless platform-to-platform experience - making it easier for families to know what to tackle next and taking the tedious work of transferring info from one platform to the next off your plate. While the process has been tried and tested, occasionally situations may arise that will cause families to not receive their Enrollment Paperwork and/or welcome emails. Let's take a look at four situations that might be causing you issues and what to do to fix them.

Identifying the Problem

As we mentioned in the intro, there can occasionally be situations that will cause families to not receive their Enrollment Paperwork and/or welcome emails. While the following list is not exhaustive, it will help you understand what's happening and how to fix the problem.

Issue 1: Your Kinside Account Has Not Been Connected To ELV

If you were already an ELV Alliance Core customer and you joined Kinside through your ELV Alliance Core tools, great news - this step has already been completed. If you joined Kinside first, there's a possibility that your accounts have not been connected yet.


  1. Email support@kinside.com and ask us to check your connection.

Issue 2: Your Enrollment Packet Has Been Disabled In ELV

Your ELV Alliance Core account has a setting that allows you to enable or disable paperwork to families. This includes your Enrollment Packet. If a family has completed their Enrollment Paperwork and paid their deposit (if applicable) through Kinside but they have not received the Enrollment Packet, this setting could be the cause.


  1. Log in to your ELV Alliance Core account

  2. Click on your Program Settings

  3. Click to enable your Enrollment Packet

Issue 3: You've Uploaded Your Enrollment Packet Through Kinside

Both ELV and Kinside allow you to send your Enrollment Packet and other paperwork to families automatically, but getting the same information from both would be overkill. To keep things simple, if you've uploaded your Enrollment Packet through Kinside and scheduled it to send after the family pays their deposit ELV won't send it on their side. Depending on which email your families are expecting to receive the information from, they could miss it when it hits their inbox.


  1. Log in to your Enrollment Concierge and click on the "Manage Program" tab

  2. With "Program Details" selected, scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the section labeled "Program Paperwork"

  3. Check to see if your Enrollment Packet has been uploaded AND at which point during your enrollment process you chose to send it

  4. If you would rather send your Enrollment Packet through ELV, delete the Packet from your Kinside account

Issue 4: The Enrollment Packet Is Being Filtered As Junk/Spam

Depending on the email service a family is using, the emails containing these Enrollment Packets could be landing in their Junk/Spam folders.


  1. Ask families to add ELV email to their favorites

  2. Ask families to add support@kinside.com to their favorites

That's it! Have other questions or need support? Email us at support@kinside.com to submit a request, or click the feedback button in your Enrollment Concierge to send suggestions.