Waitlist Filters

You can now filter your waitlists to locate families on the waitlist that meet certain criteria.

Filters are easy to use and will help you stay updated on the state of your waitlist. Below, you'll find the list of filtering options, though the actual filters will vary depending on your offerings and setup.

My waitlist

If you know the name of the child or family that you want to review, you can still search the list.

At the top of the page, under the search box, you can always reset your filters by clicking Reset

Age group

Filter by age group is your first option. Your age groups may look different based on how you name your classrooms. Each age group will have a number in parentheses to let you know how many children on your waitlist are in each group. You can only filter by one group at a time.


This field will reflect all of your schedule offerings. If you only offer one schedule option, then only one will appear in this area. You can filter by one or more schedules. If no filters are selected, all schedules will be shown. 


Below are the 4 different categories associated with a child's status on your waitlist. The number of children in each category is noted in parentheses next to each category.





Tour Status

This refers to whether the child/family on the list has toured, has a tour scheduled, or has not toured (does not have a tour scheduled)

Custom Questions

If you don't have custom questions, you won't see this filtering option. The categories in this section will reflect your specific custom questions.






If you accept subsidies and have entered the information, the subsidies you accept will appear here and you can filter your waitlist by those subsidies. 

Have any questions or need some help? Reach out to us through the in-platform chat, book a call with our team, or email us at support@kinside.com.