How do I update my tour schedule or availability?

Update or add the hours and days you offer virtual or in-person tours.

Your tour availability is what families will see on your profile when they are scheduling a tour. It is important to keep your tour availability, including unavailable tour dates, up-to-date so families can see accurate availability when scheduling.

How to update your tour availability:

  1. Click on the Tours tab in the left menu. Then select the second tab, "Tour Settings". 

    How to Set Tour Availability and Unavailability - Step 2-1
  2. When the page appears, in the "Weekly Tour Availability" section, there is a pencil icon you'll click on. 

    How to Set Tour Availability and Unavailability - Step 4
  3. Then add in your availability for each day of the week. Don't forget to indicate how long each tour is and how many families are able to participate in a tour at a time. When completed, click "Save Changes."

    How to Set Tour Availability and Unavailability - Step 6
  4. Make sure to scroll down and add any dates that you're unavailable. This includes vacations, days that your program is closed, etc.  Note - you only need to block days you normally offer tours, so if you don't offer tours on Saturdays you don't need to block this day. 
    How to Set Tour Availability and Unavailability - Step 11 

    Also, add in your tour policies. We recommend requiring at least one day's notice before a family can tour your program. This gives you enough time to prepare.

Have any questions or need some help? Reach out to us through the in-platform chat, book a call with our team, or email us at