How do I approve enrollment and send families the registration form?

In the Action Center, you can approve enrollment and send families your registration form.

If you're ready to accept and enroll a family into your community, it'll take one quick minute to approve a family's enrollment and send them the registration form, and request the enrollment fee.

Here's a step-by-step on how to do it.

  1. Go to the Action Center in the LegUp Provider tools by selecting the “Action Center” tab

    Approving Family Enrollment and Sending Registration Form - Step 2
  2. Locate the family you would like to send the registration form.

    Approving Family Enrollment and Sending Registration Form - Step 3
  3. Click Take Action and select "Approve for Enrollment". 

    Approving Family Enrollment and Sending Registration Form - Step 4
  4. Double check the families tuition rate, start date, and payment deadline.  If you need to waive or discount their registration fee you can do so by checking the box "Discount or waive registration fee".

    Approving Family Enrollment and Sending Registration Form - Step 5
  5. Click "Send Registration form and Request Enrollment Fee"

    Approving Family Enrollment and Sending Registration Form - Step 6

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