How can I change my waitlist fee?

Your Waitlist is the place where families can add their child's name, almost like "standing in line," to reserve a current opening, or future offered seat. It is important to keep your waitlist fee updated so that you're bringing in the right amount of income per family signing up.

How to change your waitlist fee:

  1. Go to your "Business" section

    Update Business Cost to $20 - Step 2
  2. Scroll down the page to the "Fees" section  and click "Edit"

    Update Business Cost to $20 - Step 4
  3. Click within the Waitlist Fee Amount box to set your waitlist fee. 

    Update Business Cost to $20 - Step 4
  4. Determine if you'd like to automatically waive your waitlist fee for subsidy-eligible families. 

  5. Click "Save Changes" 
    Update Business Cost to $20 - Step 6

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