How can I add reviews to my enrollment page?

Want more reviews to show on your enrollment page? Ask your enrolled families to add them--whether they are on Kinside or not!

Your Enrollment Page highlights your program for interested families, but reviews can be the one thing that sets you apart. Thankfully, you don't have to start from scratch with reviews. You can get existing families to share their experiences to increase interest for new enrollments!

Having reviews on your Enrollment Page boosts your SEO (Search Engine Optimization), making it easier for families to find you when they search for child care programs on the internet!

How to get more Reviews on Your Enrollment Page

You can invite all of your enrolled families to leave a review--both those families who came into your program through Kinside as well as those who are outside of the Kinside platform.

  1. Log in to your Kinside account

  2. Click on the Families Menu item and then click on the Enrolled Families tab

  3. If you have more than one location, choose a center/program from the ALL PROGRAMS dropdown.

  4. Click Enrolled families
  5. Once a center/program is selected, the box is updated with information about how many families have yet to receive the emails. From here, click SEND EMAILS.

  6. To add a family who has enrolled outside of the Kinside platform, click on the button that says Add Child Manually.

  7. Enter the information about the family and child into the form and click the ADD FAMILY button.
    Screen Shot 2023-02-23 at 4.26.05 PMPlease note: If a family has already received the review request, they will not receive another. If you have already sent review requests to all families at your center, you will be notified like this:

What do Families See When Leaving Reviews?

Families are taken to a page where we ask them how things are going at your program. They have to confirm they are enrolled, and then we ask them to rate the program on a 1-5 scale on four topics:

  1. How happy are you at [PROVIDER NAME] overall on a scale from 1-5?

  2. How would you rate the program staff on a scale from 1-5?

  3. How safe and secure do you feel the program space is on a scale from 1-5?

  4. How would you rate the learning environment at [PROVIDER NAME] on a scale from 1-5?

We then take the average score for that family and use it to create the 1-5 star rating shown on the Enrollment Page. Families can also leave comments.

Have any questions or need some help? Reach out to us through the in-platform chat, book a call with our team, or email us at